Title: HELL or HEAVEN~Itoshi no Psycho Breaker~ (HELL or HEAVEN~愛しのPsycho Breaker~)
Artist: Janne Da Arc (ジャンヌダルク - JANNU DARUKU)
Lyrics: YASU
Song: KIYO
Album: JOKER (Amazon.co.jp)
歌詞 (Japanese Lyrics) ・ Romaji ・ English translation
ハッピーハロウィン!FAULHEIT(ORYO,おはぎ)です。The song is for 2013. The translated lyrics for the 2012 Halloween song can be found here.
Happy Halloween! FAULHEIT (ORYO, Ohagi) here.
The staff gobbled up the pumpkin afterwards.
Last year's Halloween -> "Kooky Spooky Parade"
Machigerita here!
I originally intended to not do a Halloween song this year, but because I already wrote a Halloween song for my upcoming album MachigeBako -on sale the 20th of November- I decided to upload one course sung by Vocaloids.
I used Miku, Rin, Len, Luka and Kaito (V3) this time around. On MachigeBako the full version will be present, sung by myself.
ハッピーハロウィン。FAULHEIT(ORYO&おはぎ)です。This is FAULHEIT's 2012 Halloween song. The translated lyrics for the sequel can be found here.
Happy Halloween! FAULHEIT (ORYO & Ohagi) here.
GUMI: "Trick or Treat!"
Ohagi: "Trick please."
ORYO: "Trick please."
Sequel song: 'A girl and a black cat on Halloween night'
This is about the protagonist of the movie "Taxi Driver", a movie I've seen a million times now. The 44 magnum probably became a desirable object because of "Dirty Harry"...
Matching the lyrics with the tune, I hoped to create a lonely, empty feeling.
This tune is written with the idea of mixing analogue (acoustic guitar) with digital (Vocaloid). The lyrics to "after the dream" are laden with personal sentiments, so it is obvious that when I sing it I'll put in too much emotion, so I thought this version would be easier on the listener's ears.
(...) 周りの景色がモノクロになり、しゃべり声も物音もなくなり、目の前が真っ白に輝いて、無の音「静寂の音」が聴こえる時がテーマです。(...)歌詞の解釈は僕の言う以外に捉えてもらってもいいんですが、僕的には、「光の中で手探りしても結局誰ともつながれない、孤独の闇を切り裂いてもそこにはまた孤独があるだけ」という感じです。
The theme is the moment when the surroundings become monochrome, all voices and sounds disappear, everything in front of ones eyes become a bright white and in the sound of nothingness you can hear "the sound of silence".
(...) One can interpret the lyrics any way other then how I explain them, but for me personally they hold the following meaning: "even when groping around in the light, in the end one cannot connecting to anyone. Even when cutting through the darkness of loneliness, there still is only loneliness beyond that."
Machigerita here. This is "my song". It is non-fiction.