
Welcome to Hoshi Yuki Translations on blogspot

I am your hostess, Hoshi Yuki.

I'm the same Hoshi Yuki who can be found on LiveJournal (hoshi-yuki.livejournal.com) where I translate Japanese lyrics to English.

At the moment I have no intentions of closing my LJ. The reason I opened this blog was because of the format differences, as well as allowing people without LJ to be able to comment and request lyrics. I intend to slowly copy and correct the translations I did previously to create a non-cluttered and slightly more professional translation journal here.

As of 2014, I also opened a journal for Japanese Drama CD (track) translations.

Tips, complaints, compliments and other remarks on either journal can be posted to this post.

Miniature tour ("How to use"):
On this blog (as well as on my LJ), you can request Japanese lyrics or texts to be translated to English. Please see the tab "Requesting Translations" or the sticky-post on my LJ.

To find a list of translations I have already done, please check "Contents Lyrics and Texts".

To find a list of Drama CD (track) translations, please check "Contents Drama CD".

Comments regarding a particular song/text/translation I did can be posted to that particular post.