revenge my LOST is:
Francisco Kidzooma aka Xavie (vocal),
Youki (guitar),
Masashi (bass) and
Onizuka (drum)
Album: Endemic
The (completely Japanese) lyrics in the video are subtly different from the ones in the booklet so I decided to make a separate section for the video lyrics..
As life interfered and I did not have the song to check if the romaji were what was sung (still don't have it, but decided to just leave it at this), it took way too long for me to post this request. My apologies.
Title: moon drop
Lyrics: Rumdarjun (らむだーじゃん)
Music arrangement: RegaSound
Sung: Rumdarjun (らむだーじゃん)
Second track of the album "Sanbi suru Koushin" (賛美する行進) - the album is only sold in the MCG Clothing Store as of February 2015 (according to the official website here)